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Modern Marketers Take on Big Data

Delivering the right message to the right customer, at the right time, through the right channel is not the future of marketing, it’s today’s reality. Mastering this reality enables...

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Helping the Community, Both Inside and Out

Social responsibility. It’s good for individuals, and it’s good for companies. When employees feel like they’re making a difference outside the office walls, it can go a long way....

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Get Ready for the 2020 Customer

We live in the age of customer experience where anticipating the needs of customers is a mainstream strategy for many enterprise companies. Forward-thinking organizations, however, know that in the...

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Study: Crafting a Unified Customer Experience Strategy

Providing customers with satisfying – and enjoyable – support experiences has never been more important, both in terms of serving customers effectively while differentiating the...

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Three Hurdles Facing B2B Lead Generation

Current trends in B2B marketing have made lead generation increasingly complex. Overall, B2B lead generation requires a significant investment in time, effort, and energy compared to B2C marketing...

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Five Steps Toward a Sound Data Segmentation Strategy

The sheer amount of Big Data—both structured and unstructured—streaming into organizations today often makes data collection and analysis an overwhelming task even for the most...

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Delivering a Psychic Brand

This article was originally published in the Fall 2013 issue of Customer Strategist.Technology continues to progress from the age of responsive platforms to predictive analytics. Companies are now...

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Healthcare Reform and the Patient-Centric Culture of the Future

As the healthcare landscape begins to transform with the Affordable Care Act, so must healthcare providers’ approach to customer service.Payors and providers can no longer focus solely on B2B...

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Helping a Technology Company Increase Revenue by $174 million

Nurturing both current and prospective customers is imperative for the continued growth of organizations. This was a priority for an international technology manufacturing and consulting company...

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Four Easy Steps for “Selling” Customer Experience to the C-Level

For many companies, saying they want to deliver great customer experiences and actually investing in them are two different things. Often, getting approval for the budget to spend on strategies and...

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