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Three Social Media Strategies to Promote Better Customer Service

Social media is changing the way companies do business. Today, customers have the power to share poor customer experiences with the world with a click of a button. If companies are unable to adjust...

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The Secret to Customer Retention: Exceptional Customer Service

Research shows that acquiring new customers can cost five times more than retaining current customers. Yet, many organizations are spending their money and time seeking out new customers instead of...

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ROI Revealed for Customer Experience Strategy

Sure, every company likes the idea of improving the customer experience. But when put up alongside other day-to-day business concerns, it often gets kicked down the road for a later time. And too...

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Mapping the Social Fabric of an Organization

A company is only as successful as its employees. Therefore, businesses must first identify the most influential people in the organization who will play key roles in moving their companies forward...

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Three Big Data Requisites for Making Data-Driven Decisions

In today’s economy, gaining an information edge isn’t just the path to growth; it’s the key to survival.For many companies, obtaining that edge means going up against Big Data,...

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Unlocking Business Value with Speech Analytics

Customers share an enormous amount of information about their preferences, needs, attitudes and behaviors through their multichannel interactions with companies. While there are rich opportunities...

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Best Practices for Building a Customer Interaction Hub

Today’s customers expect service when they want it and where they want it, and they’re using multiple channels to interact with the brands with which they do business. The trend is...

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Optimize the Self-Service Customer Experience

According to a report, The Self-Service Economy, 40 percent of consumers in a global survey claimed they would prefer to utilize self-service channels as opposed to human contact. It seems that...

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Good Enough Isn’t: Using the Moneyball Approach to Develop an All-Star Team!

Perfectionists, please raise your right hand. Type A personalities, kindly raise your left. If you are now able to clap your hands over your head, this blog is for you.It was Judi Hand, head of our...

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Balancing the Budget with Customer Demands

Are you struggling to balance the company budget with customer demands? This budget season has many consumer advocates pleading with CFOs for dollars to put more customer-focused strategies into...

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