
Blog: Automation and AI

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3 Must-Have Factors for Successful Long Term Remote Workforce Management

Employers, industry analysts, and researchers agree: remote work is here to stay. Enhancing the productivity, efficiency, and engagement of remote employees will be a key competitive differentiator...

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TTEC’s AI-powered Learning Solution Awarded Disruptive Technology of the Year Honors

We’re very excited to announce that TTEC has been awarded CCW’s “Disruptive Technology of the Year” award for our AI-enabled RealPlay™ training solution. The need...

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Reinvent the “New Normal” Customer Experience

There’s a mantra for the new normal: Don’t waste my time. The novel coronavirus sent organizations scrambling to assert their dominance in the digital space, and with this came a...

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Create Effortless Experiences Through One-to-One Relationships

Over the past 10 years we've seen this buzzword called “omnichannel” come into play. This has left organizations with a channel-first strategy that ironically led to less access and...

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4 Ways to Build a Successful Digital Transformation Foundation

Digital transformation is more than technology. It’s the people, leadership, and experiences that drive innovation and amazing experiences in an organization. These factors act as the...

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Coronavirus Halted “Digital Transformation” Projects. That’s a Good Thing.

The days of colossal IT projects are over. Long live nimble, accelerated digital initiatives. A quick skim among the tech press shows what on the surface looks to be troubling news - spending on ...

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Contact Tracing: 4 Lessons Learned from the Front Lines

Contact tracing is a critical component to containing and flattening the curve of COVID-19. Tracking those who are infected and who may be exposed helps agencies stay ahead of potential hot spots...

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Digital Transformation Today, Competitive Differentiation for Tomorrow

Pundits, business leaders, and hipsters have espoused for years the religion of digital transformation. But nothing could create more converts as swiftly as COVID-19. Every time we order takeout...

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Effortless Customer Experiences Define the New Digital Age

The 'new-normal' brought on by COVID-19 was led by a digital-first approach to business. Digital transformation accelerated out of necessity to quickly meet unexpected surges in customer...

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3 Ways Automation Provides Authenticity at Scale in a Crisis

Customers want to be heard in times of uncertainty, but massive call spikes and closed offices are some of the challenges getting in the way of the human connection that’s desperately needed...

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