
Blog: Consulting

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Experiential Training Transforms the Training Landscape

Even in the digital age, human interactions remain a critical part of customer satisfaction. Knowledgeable and experienced associates play a vital role in helping customers and driving loyalty. But...

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Smart Devices Need Smart Customer Strategies

Mobility and digitization have fundamentally changed how customers connect with brands. There are more than 2 billion active smart devices in the market today. And the average user reaches for his...

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3 Steps to Harness the Power of Advanced Contact Center Analytics

Today, the proliferation of data from more and more sources is setting the stage for new, advanced decision making and therefore thrusting analytics to the fore. Organizations are increasingly...

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A Proactive Guide to Job Repatriation

It’s well known that President Donald Trump has made job creation one of his signature issues, with corporations already pledging to hire more people in the U.S., as well as repatriate jobs...

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Don’t Let Training Be a Compliance Risk

Many companies today are faced with the reality that cybersecurity is a critical issue and it is difficult to protect customer and employee data. Coupled with the rise of cloud technologies and an...

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Don’t Automate Your Way Into Obscurity

The automotive industry isn’t about products anymore. It’s about relationships. Vehicles are becoming more and more alike, and even impressive technology is being co-opted and...

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Retail’s Hail Mary: Why Retailers are Betting on In-Store Data Insights

The need for retailers to find new ways of enticing shoppers is not news, but the sense that retailers are under more pressure than ever was a major theme at the National Retail Federation’s...

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Where Do Humans Fit in an Increasingly Digital World?

Customer experience is changing at lightning speed. It’s hard to keep up with what’s happening today, let alone step back and think about how to prepare for the future. So we did it for...

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2017 Predictions for a Wow Customer Experience Future

Memorable. Unique. Surprising. Positive. Enjoyable. These are just a few of the ways consumers describe interactions they consider to be “Moments of Wow” with their favorite brands....

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Why Small Gestures Speak Volumes About Your Brand

Maybe it was a smile, a handwritten note, or just being greeted by name—a small gesture that makes you feel like a valued customer. In today’s data-driven and digital-first world, it...

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