
Blog: Sales and Revenue Growth

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Winning Sales Strategies for Today's New Reality

Like a massive tidal wave, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended business operations, supply chains, and economic activity. However, it has not changed the need for sales teams to produce results. To...

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Here’s How Sales Professionals Can Succeed in the New Reality

At its best, sales is about helping clients succeed. When we help our clients win, we win as well. But these aren't normal times and sales approaches that worked a few months ago may not work...

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5 Tips for Stellar Messaging Sales and Service Conversations

Throughout their buying journeys, customers often have questions about a product or service that require assistance from a company representative. But here’s the kicker – they would...

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Sales Outsourcing: 11 Benefits of Outsourcing Sales

What is sales outsourcing? Sales outsourcing allows you to take advantage of untapped opportunities by leveraging additional salespeople through an outsourcing partnership. At a time when...

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5 Ways to Create the Right Retail Experience

Retail is changing and leaders need to adapt. In the wake of e-commerce rapidly becoming the preferred way to shop, representing 13.7 percent of total retail sales globally, retailers know they...

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Research Shows Digital Transformation Maturity Across the Enterprise

A recent report, “The State of Digital Transformation,” echoes what business leaders of every stripe are realizing: digital is pervasive. Firms are under pressure to adapt or create new...

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Ignite B2B Sales in 2019 With 5 New Year’s Resolutions

With the New Year approaching, sales executives are looking ahead for how to meet their 2019 sales targets. It’s a perfect time to take stock of how your business is operating and set...

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3 Ways to Rewrite the Retail Playbook

At a recent CommerceNext conference in New York City, retailers shared ideas and insights on how they’re changing their playbook to meet the needs of today’s customer. Here are three...

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Uncover Profits By Measuring Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value (CLTV) is an important tool that companies can use to allocate their resources to gain the most benefit. It’s a metric that measures the amount of value a customer...

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How to Sell to an SMB

When selling to small and midsized businesses (SMBs), the first step is to throw out your big business playbook. SMBs face a unique set of challenges that call for different selling strategies....

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