
Blog: Consulting

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Health plans and medical suppliers can tame seasonal spikes in Little Red Hen style

Summer’s here! The sky is blue. The grass is green and the birds are singing. While nature is going gangbusters at this time of vibrant renewal, many healthcare companies do the opposite: We...

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Tech support alone isn’t enough (you need great CX, too)

When customers encounter a technical glitch or problem and have to reach out to customer support, they’re already frustrated. It’s not enough to just deliver quick resolutions to their...

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Am I ready to outsource? 4 signs it’s time

There’s a long-standing misconception that companies should reach a certain size before looking to work with an outsourcing partner, but size shouldn’t be the key factor when...

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Want to improve Gen Z player experience? Meet gamers where they are

There’s no denying the popularity of gaming among Gen Zers, but they’re gaming for different reasons than previous generations. Of course they’re drawn to the games themselves but...

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3 ways to compete with big-box retail through better CX

Big-box retailers are formidable players in the market. The three biggest retailers in the world  alone (Walmart, Amazon, and German grocer Schwarz Group) generated more than $1 trillion in...

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The key to better gaming CX? It’s in your data

Gaming brands have so much data at their fingertips: you know what games your gamers like to play, how well they play compared with others, how long they spend in-game, their purchase histories and...

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How to rock enroll: TTEC Healthcare CX Series plots path to signup success

With apologies to Chicken Little, Michael Cho kicked off the inaugural TTEC Healthcare CX Series of webinars with some sobering stats about healthcare enrollment trends. It was the right elixir to...

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5 ways to help gamers stay in the game by giving them control

There’s nothing like being immersed in a game, which is why encountering any problems along the way can be incredibly frustrating. The last thing your players want to do is take time away...

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Every retailer can offer personalized CX that feels high-end (here's how)

It’s challenging for retailers to stand out from the crowd these days. So many stores offer the same or similar products, and it seems like new retailers are coming on to the scene nearly...

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TTEC Healthcare CX Series to examine trends, member acquisition strategies on April 13

Ambitious, seemingly unattainable goals for member acquisition suddenly become viable with the chance to interact, soundboard, and workshop solutions with healthcare enrollment experts and your own...

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