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A Prescription for Operational Excellence in the ‘New Normal’

Comprehensive support and training enabled an at-home model to meet or exceed prior brick-and-mortar results.

A Prescription for Operational Excellence in the ‘New Normal’

Comprehensive support and training enabled an at-home model to meet or exceed prior brick-and-mortar results.

2K+ agents
shifted to
remote support
eNPS rose 19 points
during remote
Monthly production
decreased 60%

The Challenge

A leading healthcare organisation needed a partner to immediately help it shift multiple parts of its customer care from a brick-and-mortar environment to remote contact centre support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It also needed a partner to provide an example of how the organisation could deliver excellence, agility, and efficiency moving forward in today’s new customer care landscape.

Our Solution

At the onset of the pandemic, TTEC immediately rolled out a plan to shift more than 2,000 associates from brick-and-mortar contact centres in the Philippines and the United States to work at home. The associates supported nearly a dozen lines of business for the organisation such as dental and vision, member portal, behavioral health, and more.

We equipped the associates’ devices with security-compliant software as well as enhanced security protocols and processes that met HIPAA and overall data security requirements. To ensure uninterrupted client support, we deployed a work-at-home training support and effectiveness plan. This included an at-home trainer basics program and a monthly podcast for continued development techniques. Trainers held daily chat sessions with associates and team leaders in addition to providing Zoom observations and feedback, and held daily check-in sessions with training leadership.

Maintaining employee morale was also critical. Employees were encouraged to keep in touch over messaging platforms and group chats and participate in engagement activities such as singalongs and online contests for virtual trophies and app awards.

The Results

The work-at-home transition was highly successful in that associates maintained or exceeded performance delivery, zero productivity time was lost, and we demonstrated a proven way to increase operational flexibility and agility. Absenteeism dropped 40% in the work-at-home environment compared to the same period in a brick-and-mortar contact centre, monthly production attrition decreased 60%, and eNPS rose 19 points during the remote deployment.