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Essential Tech Tips to Set Remote Contact Centre Workers Up for Success

Tech Tips for Work-From-Home Contact Center Workers

Before the coronavirus struck, the vast majority of contact centre associates worked in brick-and-mortar locations. Today, many associates are now in a work-from-home environment. Health and safety are a priority during this transition, but associates also need to be equipped with the right technology to succeed in the new workplace.

We’ve compiled a checklist of the tools to make this crucial period run smoother for both employers and the people on the front lines of customer experience who are making a significant change to their work and personal life.

Secure connection

The first step is ensuring that associates assess the performance and durability of their desktops/laptops and internet, as online activity will increase heavily.

  • Discuss internet usage and schedule with family/roommate/significant other to prevent slowdowns.
  • Plug desktop or laptop into router with ethernet chord for faster connection if possible.
  • Connect to your organisation’s secure VPN and run any required security software for continuous upkeep.
  • Evaluate your desktop/laptop’s ‘performance’ settings to gauge if it has an acceptable processing speeds.

Accessible employee knowledgebase

Build awareness around knowledgebases, discussion forums and other internal resources that associates can use when they need assistance or feel isolated.

  • Share best performing behavior throughout the organisation.
  • Collaborate on problems that are facing the at-home community.
  • Discuss issues with people who are facing similar challenges.
  • Create gated discussions where associates can freely discuss concerns.

Intelligent automation

Use automated capabilities to deflect simple requests and processes that free associates up for more meaningful, more human, work. These tools include:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA), an unattended software combined with AI and Machine Learning that can handle high-volume, repetitive tasks. It’s key for back-office tasks.
  • Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA), an attended software that simplifies and automates business processes and transactions on a desktop.
  • Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA), AI chat assistants that can leverage knowledgebases and insight from past interactions to manage simple customer questions.

Cloud technology

Allow associates to access training, tools, and information from virtually everywhere.

  • Gates and guards are used to ensure the data is not available to public.
  • Provide with a dedicated circuit so associates can perform in a secure environment.
  • Associates can route and answer calls, eliminating need for phones and enabling flexibility.
  • Access the cloud across different platforms in a cross-device environment.
  • If overwhelmed, employers can use cloud to access a hiring pool from different counties and time zones.

The tools for change

The way we do work is changing. Across the globe the workforce is migrating to the home front. This will be a challenge that requires the right technology at the right time in a decentralised, remote environment to ensure business continuity and maintain great customer experiences.

Choosing a partner with resilience principles is essential as contact centres ask themselves not when, but how will they manage the new at-environment. Having the best tools at your associates disposal is a key step for today and the future.

Learn more about how to build resiliency into your business with work-from-home options for your contact centre. 

Visit our microsite at to read more about TTEC’s Crisis Management business continuity solution, client case studies, and keep up with new developments.