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Customer Experience as a Service (CXaaS)

What is Customer Experience as a Service (CXaaS)?

Customer Experience as a Service is a cloud-based customer solution for planning, designing, and executing activities that encompass all parts of the customer experience. CXaaS operations are typically managed by a third-party partner on behalf of a brand.

Additional Customer Experience as a Service (CXaaS) Resources

  • Create Effortless Omnichannel Experiences: Customers expect good customer experience in real time, across all channels. In this omnichannel strategy guide, gain a competitive advantage and insights into the top challenges in creating customer experience solutions that improve the customer journey across all touchpoints.
  • Contact Center Automation Tools and Trends: There are many types of automation in the contact center, for example robotic process automation and chatbots powered by artificial intelligence. However, when planning what business processes to automate, the most important strategy is to balance core service goals and KPIs with automation to continually improve customer experiences and operational efficiency. In this article we take a look at other best practices, tools, and trends shaping contact center automation in the short and long term.
  • 4 reasons why you should use the right CX partner for outsourcing needs: Working with a contact center outsource partner provides numerous cost and innovation benefits while improving the customer experience. CX as a Service provides great customer care experiences with less risk and more reward.
  • Digital transformation vs. business transformation: Evolution is key to any brand’s success, especially in a fast-paced world where technology and opportunities are constantly changing. Standing apart from competitors requires continual evaluation, pivoting, and growth. But what does it really mean to transform? Is a digital transformation the same as a business transformation? And if not, when it comes to digital transformation vs. business transformation, which is more important? In this blog post, we explore how digital transformation is one component of a broader business transformation – and how each have their own nuances that are important for brands to embrace.
  • Five Essential Steps to Customer-Centric Digital Transformation: Great customer service starts with great CX strategy. In this strategy guide, we'll explain key steps to enable end-to-end digital transformation so you can create customer centric omnichannel experiences that improve customer satisfaction, reduce cost, and increases revenue.
  • Six Ways Analytics Impact Business Outcomes: Top performing companies should have a clear view of how customers feel about their products and services. Likewise, it is important to understand employee expertise in order to route customers to the right associate at the right time. Evaluating customer feedback can help determine how well your customer facing associates are doing so that major KPIs, such as quality score, average handle time, and contact resolution rates, are optimized. And yet, fewer than 10% of companies have that 360-degree view of their customer journeys. As a result, contact center performance suffers. For this reason, when looking at ways to improve CX, grow your business, and optimize customer interactions, better utilization of contact center analytics is a great place to start.