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Predictive Analytics

What are Predictive Analytics?

Predictive Analytics is the use of big data, Artificial Intelligence, advanced algorithms, and intuitive machine learning techniques to create predictions about future results based on historical data.

Any industry can benefit from data analytics, predictive modelling, and statistical models.

TTEC uses data science and deep learnings to drive remarkable business outcomes. We help marketers and sales professionals know how to tailor marketing campaigns with a complete view of the customer journey using data collected on customer expectations and needs, which aides in finding and retaining customers.

Through a combination of technology and services, our prescriptive analytics team uses analytical techniques and advanced analytics to calculate customer lifetime value, predict future consumer behavior, and identify customers likely to churn. In addition, we help automate the ability to analyze all interactions, improving operational performance and the way data sets, Business Intelligence, and customer insights are gathered through analytics and machine learning.

Additional Predictive Analytics Resources