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Give Customers Facts, Not Confusion

Learn how to fight back against customer confusion with content moderation strategies

DENVER, March 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Fake news and alternative facts aren't just the latest buzzwords. They are a serious business threat.

Customers form opinions about brands from the news stories and reviews they read online. Not only can false information confuse customers' perceptions about a brand, but it can tarnish a company's reputation, resulting in loss of business and missed business opportunities.

To overcome these threats and foster positive perceptions, leading brands are implementing content moderation strategies. Through a combination of human insight and automation, these strategies allow brands to monitor, flag, and respond to objectionable, user-generated content.

This month, TeleTech's eNewsletter, Dialogue takes a close look at how brands can use content moderation strategies to protect their reputations and deepen their relationships with customers. 

The March issue includes:

The Dialogue eNewsletter is published 12 times a year and has been designed to inspire customer experience excellence. Each issue contains the best customer-centric thought leadership and in-depth research articles. Click here to subscribe.

ABOUT TeleTech
TeleTech (NASDAQ: TeleTech) is a leading global provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions. Founded in 1982, the Company helps its clients acquire, retain and grow profitable customer relationships. Using customer-centric strategy, technology, processes and operations, TeleTech partners with business leadership across marketing, sales and customer care to design and deliver a simple, more human customer experience across every interaction channel. TeleTech's 48,000 employees live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TeleTech is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit