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White Paper

Innovative electric vehicles need innovative customer support

Innovative electric vehicles need innovative customer support

The future of the automotive industry is electric and digital. And the new electric vehicle (EV) customer journey is full unexpected challenges, points of friction, and potential failures. Customers will look to brands for help figuring out how to make the most of their vehicles. Companies that take the EV lead will be better positioned to deliver an excellent customer experience (CX) during and after the purchase process.

This white paper provides insight and tips on how to improve existing customer support resources and create new experiences around the EV customer journey.

Build your contact center to support EV customers

Brands can build on their CX transformation momentum to support EV consumer needs in their contact centers. Read this white paper to learn how to:

  • Navigate a new automotive ecosystem
  • Continue digital CX transformation momentum with EVs
  • Enable a seamless EV experience
  • Rethink the employee experience to meet EV customer needs
  • Design a great EV owner experience
Drive customer experience success throughout the journey

Each phase of the automotive customer lifecycle presents new opportunities and challenges. We help you drive customer experience success throughout the journey.

Customer support: Find, acquire, and engage customers across all channels and provide amazing experiences throughout the customer lifecycle to increase loyalty. Our customer care solutions deliver the people, process and technology requirements to deliver superior CX and create lasting, profitable customer relationships.

AI and automation: Drive service costs down by empowering customer self-service and by augmenting the contact center customer service experience.

Growth and sales analytics: Through a blend of technology and services, our growth analytics team calculates customer lifetime value, predicts future behavior, and identifies customers likely to churn.

Omnichannel technology: We help you realize business results of optimized, omnichannel orchestration so you can deliver the CX your customers demand.

Read the White Paper