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what's ahead for CX in 2025…
2025 CX Trends cover next to a crystal ball

Power the Engine Behind Customer Wow

Many levers need to be pulled behind the scenes to deliver exceptional experiences.

Power the Engine Behind Customer Wow

The Virgin Atlantic flight attendant who found my wallet at Heathrow airport and flew it back to New York for me. The SiriusXM contact center associate who paused my subscription for three months while I moved so I could figure out my finances. The Verizon store manager who found me a special blue phone case when I told him I was about to have a baby boy. All of these people created “moments of wow” that I will never forget and will always attach to the brands.

What made all these moments so special? The employees took extra care to treat me like an individual and go beyond established protocols to meet my unique needs. It sounds easy, but there are many levers that need to be pulled behind the scenes to deliver exceptional experiences in moments that matter. They include creating an empowered employee culture, providing access to integrated customer data that’s available at the right time, and deploying tools to enable proactive outreach and communication in preferred channels. 

The Fall 2019 issue of the Customer Strategist highlights companies that are creating customer wow moments, along with behind-the-scenes strategies and tactics to enable them at scale and for highest impact. We look at research about what customer journey moments influence brand strength and customer loyalty, as well as how brands like Volkswagen Australia and Barnes & Noble College deliver unique customer experiences. We also examine the CX landscape among payment providers and detail journey management best practices. 

Investments in CX and the customer journey are at the top of the list of many 2020 plans, so we hope these articles provide reference and insight as you prepare. With the right approach, your brand can “wow” customers and shareholders alike well into the future. 

Enjoy the issue!