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A Customer-Centric History ... and Future

A customer-centric history — and future

Our client was looking to continue its tradition as an industry leader in satisfaction, loyalty, and NPS. We helped implement a new organizational structure and self-help

A customer-centric history — and future

Our client was looking to continue its tradition as an industry leader in satisfaction, loyalty, and NPS. We helped implement a new organizational structure and self-help

New organizational
structure is aligned
with customer-
centric culture
IVR, self-help and
multichannel support
improve service while
lowering cost to serve
Analytics improve
communications, outcomes

A history of delivering an award-winning customer experience is just that history. Our client is a global leader in the financial services industry that has consistently earned top marks for satisfaction, loyalty, and Net Promoter Score (NPS) both inside and outside of its industry. Continuous improvement of the customer experience is part of this client’s DNA . The customer-centric culture was already present, but "great" is simply not good enough in an environment where customers have more choices and more mobility. Our five-year roadmap is designed to ensure that this client continues to differentiate itself through a truly exceptional experience.

During our initial reviews, a tiered support structure began to emerge as a way to engage new customers at a high level, and then steward them into a more personalized relationship as their journey progressed. Contact center operations were consolidated into a single organization that could provide a more seamless experience throughout the customer life cycle. Our research, which addressed every customer touchpoint, also found ways to improve other points of customer interaction. Improvements to the client's IVR and self-help tools would serve customers better, while lowering costs by reducing inbound call traffic. Expanded multichannel support would improve the company’s online presence and allow customers to communicate according to individual preference.

We helped the client better utilize their own data by developing a Segment/Event-Driven Model: Customer segmentation data is transformed into an advanced predictive program that becomes the springboard for future customer interaction. By understanding the individual customer journey through every tier of support, the client can tailor every proactive or reactive customer response -- building trust, loyalty, and an increased lifetime value through each customer interaction. Future plans include the implementation of an enhanced technology program to support the newly defined customer experience strategy.

This client has assessed its own strengths and weaknesses, aligned itself around a customer-centric vision, and executed on the key elements for success. The improvements are being felt by customers and noticed by competitors.