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Strategic knowledgebase optimization leads to better CX and EX

A major healthcare company purged its siloed and outdated knowledgebase, reducing unused articles by more than 90% and helping associates deliver better experiences faster

Strategic knowledgebase optimization leads to better CX and EX

A major healthcare company purged its siloed and outdated knowledgebase, reducing unused articles by more than 90% and helping associates deliver better experiences faster

Improved knowledgebase
91% by purging unused content
Improved associate experience

The challenge

A major U.S. healthcare company had extensive knowledgebase content more than 6,200 pages but most of it was going unused. Much of the information was outdated, inaccurate or duplicative, and associates had difficulty navigating material to get to what they needed.

The company’s knowledge content was spread out among various users’ local machines, so there was no single source of information. It took associates longer than it should have to find relevant information, which lengthened the time it took to resolve customer issues.

Our solution

TTEC helped the company migrate its knowledgebase content from its Sharepoint platform to KMS Lighthouse, a knowledge management system that catalogs articles associates use. During the transition, more than 91% of content was removed because it was redundant or inaccurate.

TTEC helped the company optimize its content through a multi-phase plan. We first assessed the state of the existing knowledgebase, and how it was being used. Then we used page utilization reporting and subject matter expert interviews to determine which pages should be migrated to a new platform and which should be archived.

With the Sharepoint database system, articles were sorted by folders, and many articles were stored in multiple folders. This was because Sharepoint had limited search capabilities; it couldn’t search the entire system, which led to the creation of more-searchable folders. A downside of this was that content became outdated and difficult to manage as multiple versions of articles were created.

By moving the client to KMS Lighthouse, we gave associates a database they could search much more easily. Lighthouse has enhanced search capability that lets associates find content anywhere within the system, regardless of where it is housed. Lighthouse also makes it easier for associates to find content because it uses keyword searching to fetch results whereas the previous platform used term-specific searching, in which associates essentially had to know exactly what they were seeking.

We removed pages from the old knowledgebase and moved archived material to a storage repository. After the knowledgebase was “cleaned” and subject matter experts helped ensure that all inaccurate content was updated and approved, all material was moved to new templates in Lighthouse.

Once the new pages were deployed, we provided detailed reports of the work that had been completed. The new knowledgebase is more streamlined, easier to navigate, and more useful for associates because it gives them greater search capability and presents them with the most relevant content.

The results

Our strategic content optimization resulted in a 91.4% reduction in unused articles within the knowledgebase. The improvements we oversaw ensured that only the most updated versions of articles were presented to associates, giving them better information by which to make faster, more informed decisions. This resulted in better experiences for associates and customers alike.

The streamlining also reduced the strain of maintaining multiple versions of the same content, and made it easier for associates to find what they needed by reducing the number of search results yielded.