September 1, 2011 Customer Strategist The C-Level Executive’s Greatest Asset: Information With customer data and analytics tools more accessible than ever, C-level executives have the facts and figures at their fingertips that will enable them to make better choices for their company.
September 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Communications Get Better Insight Faster The dynamic nature of today’s telecom customers requires an equally dynamic use of analytics to understand customers and make decisions.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Retail Banking Designing a Winning Onboarding Program Implementing an onboarding strategy for banking customers presents a unique opportunity to deepen relationships and increase retention
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Property and Casualty Insurance A Passionate Approach to Customer Advocacy Jasmine Green balances process, multi-touchpoint complexities, and street cred to ensure that Nationwide is on its customers’ side
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Changing the Conversation at Kraft Foods The global CPG company is revitalizing a number of its brands by transforming the way it communicates with customers and employees.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist From Vendor to Lifestyle Provider: The Growth of Partnership Marketing Partnership marketing allows companies to meet customer needs and preferences in an increasingly converged world.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Invest in a Multichannel Customer Experience, or Go Bust Balancing the three foundational business elements—people, technologies, and processes—helps financial institutions drive sales and enhance service.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Healthcare Payers Do You Trust the U.S. Healthcare System? Insurers that take a customer-centric approach will be better positioned to gain customer trust.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Healthcare Providers Healthcare’s Love-Hate Customer-Insurer Relationship Research reveals that customer frustrations abound, yet many consumers stick by their insurer.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Financial Services and Insurance Multichannel Strategy for the Financial Services Industry Companies must shed their preconceived notions of multichannel strategy and see its true potential for providing a positive customer experience.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Wealth Management Multichannel Excellence Enables Customer Advocacy for Telecoms Stop focusing solely on satisfying customers and start building advocacy among the most valuable part of your customer base.
July 1, 2011 Customer Strategist Get in Touch With Your Customers' Emotions Growth and retention require a company to not only get inside customers’ heads, but, equally as important, to get inside their hearts.