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You don't need a crystal ball to see
what's ahead for CX in 2025…
2025 CX Trends cover next to a crystal ball

Great CX-pectations

Advanced digital technologies, rising consumer expectations, and growing competition have industries racing to transform the customer experience.

Great CX-pectations

The Customer Side
Consumers have high expectations for technology to transform the customer experience, making it faster, smarter, and more convenient over the next few years.

customer attitude

The Business Side
Business leaders are betting on technology to transform the customer experience, with many initiatives in the works. However, executives also cite significant challenges.

The Business Side
Technology innovations

Timing is Everything
Some creative products lay the foundation for better, more well-timed ideas that succeed later on. Here are four inventions that were ahead of their time in transforming the consumer experience.

Electric vechile

Notable CX transformation quotes: 

​​​​Notable CX transformation quotes