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56 companies, 19 countries = Millions in Travel Savings

56 companies, 19 countries = Millions in travel savings

Our client is a corporation that spans the globe and travel expenses were astronomical. They enlisted our help integrating a video conferencing system, so they could all collaborate without that added expense

56 companies, 19 countries = Millions in travel savings

Our client is a corporation that spans the globe and travel expenses were astronomical. They enlisted our help integrating a video conferencing system, so they could all collaborate without that added expense

Millions of dollars
annual travel savings
Video conferencing
keeps employees
engaged globally
Worldwide resources,
without travel

This client is a global manufacturer of electronics and semiconductors, an organization comprised of 56 companies operating in 19 countries. Travel expenses were already astronomical, and rising each quarter. Once the human factor was added employee downtime during scheduling and travel – the cost to the business was even greater. This multinational company needed a new communications vehicle that would go beyond voice and chat to bring its 119 locations together, maintain ties to customers and media, and simplify training delivery.

Our Technology team designed a custom, state-of-the-art video conferencing system befitting of a world leader in computer hardware. A strong relationship with the client created the foundation for understanding the precise needs and objectives for the solution. More than just the ability to see the face of someone during a conversation, the technology plan would quite literally change the way in which global employees interacted with each other. Better connected employees enable better care and service to customers.

Over a two-year period, the solution was designed, implemented, and refined. A powerful set of conferencing capabilities and features were at the core, which included seamless incorporation of scheduling with existing email; also, it provided the ability for ad hoc peer-to-peer video conferencing across the entire global network.

This business has transformed the way it communicates, both internally and externally. The millions of dollars saved in travel and the resulting increase in productivity are only part of the equation. Employees are more deeply connected to each other and able to collaborate immediately without the constraints of a voice and email communications. Training can be done quickly with less planning. Executives can interact meaningfully without being away for long stretches of time. This way of doing business will be common in the future, but this company is enjoying the benefits, and the cost savings, right now.