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Licensed healthcare advocates: Ready on day one

TTEC’s innovative coaching model uses AI-enhanced platform and human expertise to ensure associates and team leaders have what they need to immediately start driving conversions

Licensed healthcare advocates: Ready on day one

TTEC’s innovative coaching model uses AI-enhanced platform and human expertise to ensure associates and team leaders have what they need to immediately start driving conversions

$554K increased
conversions YoY
(17% increase)
76% more
licensed associates YoY
Attrition decreased
8.2% YoY

The challenge

Every year TTEC ramps thousands of licensed healthcare advocates who assist members during open enrollment, answering questions and walking them through their plan options. However, in a sales environment, there is always an opportunity to improve sales conversion rates and get new advocates up to speed more quickly. We set out to refresh our approach to helping associates succeed with new coaching strategies and leadership training, a revamped certification process and more, to enable them to hit the ground running.

“I feel that coaching sessions are more efficient, consistent, and encourage continuous improvement.”
–Senior Team Leader

Our solution

Not one to be satisfied with the status quo, we identified opportunities for improvement and innovation. The operations team, including managers, team leads, trainers, and healthcare advocates, shared pain points and ideas for better aligning people, processes, and technology. The improvements included:

Sales Effectiveness Team (SET) certification programL TTEC built a blended, interactive digital learning program with patent-pending artificial intelligence technology, composed of asynchronous self-paced learning modules. The certification is made up of seven, gamified courses to provide TTEC employees with actionable feedback so that employees can practice what they have learned, receive immediate feedback, and obtain situation-specific coaching tips to improve future conversations for optimal performance.

Real-time coaching: Traditional coaching models lack immediate feedback. We leveraged our proprietary award-winning RealSkill bot, which uses an AI-enhanced engine to provide asynchronous practice, consistent feedback, and personalized coaching, in developing four unique coaching bots and a product knowledge bot to rapidly train newly assigned leaders by supplying interactive training that lets them practice and identify process gaps efficiently and effectively.

Ask the right questions for increased member satisfaction: Instead of just describing the plan options, TTEC healthcare advocates were trained to ask probing questions to determine the best plan for the member’s needs.

Comprehensive leadership training: Team leaders received thorough and consistent leadership training. Sales associates, for example, completed the Consultative Sales Call Flow course and used the Consultative Sales Call Flow RealSkill Coaching bot to practice completing a successful call flow interaction.

Standardized certification: We developed a standardized licensing/certification process to enable healthcare advocates to quickly complete their sales process certification, real-time coaching certification, and account specific certifications.

“I’m looking forward to the last couple of weeks of the enrollment season and confident this team will be helping our consumers thrive.”
– Director of National Consumer Sales

The results

Within a year of implementing these innovations, TTEC grew its pool of licensed healthcare advocates by 76% to over 3,000 licensed associates year-over-year and the improvements yielded $554,000 through increased conversions. Attrition also decreased 8.2%. Next steps include applying the coaching model to other programs and accounts across TTEC as we continue to elevate and enhance our performance.

CX and digital transformation solutions
for healthcare organizations