Insights from speech analytics help grow monthly sales by 65%
TTEC helped a global logistics company discover which sales techniques worked best, jump-starting turnover
Insights from speech analytics help grow monthly sales by 65%
TTEC helped a global logistics company discover which sales techniques worked best, jump-starting turnover
monthly sales per
call flow adherence
incremental revenue
by salesperson
The Challenge
A global logistics company wanted to grow the incremental turnover generated from its embedded base of small and medium-sized business (SMB) customers. For years, it had outsourced some of its sales operations to TTEC and it turned to us again to expand on that success.
TTEC salespeople who worked for the client used varying approaches to sales calls, leading to major differences between top and bottom performers and inconsistent customer experiences. Best practices weren't efficiently shared among the team, so bottom performers had little opportunity to learn from top performers' successes.
The Solution
TTEC started by analysing the behaviours of top and bottom performers among our sales team. Using speech analytics - specifically word clouding, which aggregates frequently used keywords and phrases - we determined which words and phrases were trending among certain groups of callers.
We then compared individual salespeople's word clouds against the word clouds of the top-performing group as well as the bottom performers. With these insights, we started coaching salespeople to incorporate the keywords and phrases that were bringing success to the top performers - and to steer clear of what low-performing salespeople talked about.
From there, we implemented an ideal call flow map, which is prominently displayed at all salespeople's workstations. The maps helped guide them through calls in a way that's based on proven best practices. They outlined what topics to include, and in what order, during calls.
To reinforce the use of the ideal call flow and reward salespeople who consistently demonstrated best practices, we created a dynamic stack ranking system. It used not only traditional sales metrics, like number of sales and conversion rates, but also soft skills measured by the speech analytics platform, such as call flow adherence. Salespeople who exhibited the desired behaviours were financially rewarded through a monthly stack rank contest.
The Results
Through the work we've done optimising the expected call flow, TTEC salespeople working with the client reached levels of conversion rate and revenue success previously considered unattainable. Monthly sales per salesperson jumped 65%, incremental turnover by salesperson rose 32%, and call flow adherence improved by 25%.