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A cup with the TTEC values listed on it


These values are the foundation for our future

Every interaction we have with our clients, their customers, our colleagues and the communities where we operate are guided by these values.


These values are the foundation for our future

Every interaction we have with our clients, their customers, our colleagues and the communities where we operate are guided by these values.


Deliver humanity to business.


Leading the world's most respected organizations to create and grow emotionally connected, valuable, lasting relationships.


Accelerate growth by simplifying and personalizing interactions that build deep engagement between people and brands.

Our Values

Lead every day

We lead every day at every level to achieve results. We know that courageous, authentic leadership translates into positive impact.

Seek first to understand

We delight customers every chance we get. We strive to see the world through the eyes of our clients, their customers and our colleagues.

Do the right thing

We expect the highest degree of integrity from ourselves and each other. We act with honesty and respect in everything we do.

Act as one

We’re stronger together — one company with one purpose and one team. We work together and have each others’ backs.

Reach for amazing

We are innovators who make amazing things possible. We spark creativity and never accept "can't."

Live life passionately

We believe in our purpose and live it with intensity. We celebrate, laugh and have fun together.

Our Values In Action

Diversity & Inclusion

You belong here! Over 60,000 different voices. And yet, we’re all one TTEC.

A diverse workforce helps us represent the communities we serve, fosters innovation and it's also the right thing to do! We support our employees through mentorship, open dialog, and opportunities for professional development.

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Honoring Our Military

We value veterans, active military and their families – not only for their dedicated service to our country, but also for the exceptional qualities, skills and drive you bring to the team.

We are dedicated to hiring 1,000 veterans every year and have forged partnerships within the community to make this goal a reality.

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Protecting the Environment

TTEC is committed to positively impacting the world and doing its part to protect the environment. Resource consumption management, recycling, and enabling employees to work remotely benefits the environment and our employees.

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Giving Back

At TTEC, giving back to communities where we live and work are a fundamental part of how we’re bringing humanity to business. In 2007, we created the TTEC Community Foundation, which empowers our employees to support organizations and causes that are important to them.

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