October 10, 2017 Customer Strategist Outlook What Could Go Wrong? Some real-time initiations look good on paper, but in practice they don’t always work out.
October 10, 2017 Customer Strategist Strategy Speaks Past Time, Real Time, and Soon Time Take a moment to see how humanity’s innovation and progress will forever change our perception of time.
September 26, 2017 Trends Report Financial Services and Insurance Retail Banking How to Stay Ahead of Consumer Demands
August 24, 2017 Case Study Financial Services and Insurance Offer optimization boosts credit card rewards program results
July 12, 2017 Blog Property and Casualty Insurance P&C Insurance digital transformation trends and best practices The evolution of digital transformation in insurance is found at the intersection of technology and the customer experience.
July 12, 2017 Customer Strategist Maximize Engagement with Minimum Viable Experiences Take a page from the product team’s playbook to apply a more nimble, team-based approach to customer initiatives.
July 12, 2017 Customer Strategist Connect the Workplace with the Customer Experience Does your workplace and employee engagement strategy add up to CX excellence?