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Optimise CX with contact centre outsourcing

As one of the top BPO companies in the UK, we make the competing priorities of improved CSAT and reduced costs complementary by optimising customer experience.

We provide CX BPO services and CX technology services so you can optimise your cost basis by outsourcing parts of your business such as care, inside sales, and back office. Our contact centre outsourcing services also include offshore outsourcing and nearshore outsourcing options that can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce cost to serve. Schedule a consultation with our call centre management experts and request a demo to learn how BPO customer service solutions can:

Improve customer and employee experiences

Save money and reduce labor costs

Increase flexibility and ability to scale

Accelerate digital transformation

Ready to provide amazing CX at a lower cost to serve?


Drive growth and stability with the right outsourcing strategy

Outsourcing can be a great way for brands to grow more efficient, deliver better customer experience, cut costs, and reap the benefits of a highly skilled workforce. And nearshore and offshore outsourcing provide cost-effective alternatives to in-house and onshore support. But choosing the right outsourcing option can be tricky. TTEC can help you decide whether nearshoring, offshoring, or other options are the best fit for your company – so you see ROI quickly.

Video: Learn how we optimize CX at the point of conversation


Nearshore and offshore customer support outsourcing
can deliver significant cost savings while improving CX


reduction in abandon rate and 39% reduction in average talk time thanks to better trained associates.

See how


reduction in employee costs and exceeded NPS goal by 20% via a transition to a offshore model.

See how


increase in CSAT score, with TTEC recognised as a top vendor partner.

See how

Tap into a global workforce, and the cost savings it can bring, with TTEC

6 continents, 50 languages, 80+ delivery centres, and 60,000+ employees helping companies achieve higher CSAT at lower TCO.

colorful world map

Find the best outsourcing option to meet your needs and exceed your business targets

There’s more than one way to outsource, and each brings its own unique advantages and things to consider. TTEC can help you choose the best fit for your brand.


Associates in your home country or region who can easily relate to customers and their experiences. This option is best used for privacy, security, and brands with sensitive information or regulatory constraints.


Work with contact centres in a neighboring country to maintain a similar culture, proximity, and language to the brand, but at a more affordable cost.


Provide service from low-cost regions around the globe to reduce costs and tap into seasoned CX experts. Simple or transactional interactions are the easiest to move here.

Virtual / At-home

Recruit onshore associates who work from home to reduce overhead costs, lower attrition, and increase retention. Having no geographical barriers lets you recruit top talent from anywhere.

Managed services

Keep your own contact centre, while finding partners to help you with particular client needs like talent acquisition, leadership development, and workforce management. This frees you up to focus on day-to-day business and customer experience.

Self Service / Automation

Add intelligent automation to your brick and mortar and remote contact centre operations at scale. Leverage chat support outsourcing, as well as contact centre AI, RPA, and RDA solutions to improve employee productivity, operational KPIs and customer experiences, while also reducing cost to serve.

Talent. Technology.
Empathy. Connected.
It's time for CX Optimised.

We make the competing priorities of improved CSAT and reduced costs complementary by optimising CX at the point of conversation. We take a practical approach to continuously improving customer and employee engagement that delivers tangible results. We deliver optimised customer care, tech support, sales, AI operations, and trust and safety solutions through our CX BPO and technology services.

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Ready to provide amazing CX at a lower cost to serve?

It's time to optimise your customer experience strategy with nearshore and offshore contact centre outsourcing.