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On-Demand Webinar

How the selling greats use speech analytics to score more deals

Learn the best ways to gain efficiencies, lift conversion rates, and improve revenue

Speech analytics is one of the best-kept secrets in the game of selling. It’s what separates the minor league rookies from the major league legends.

Join us for a webinar featuring some of the best players in the speech analytics game – Strategic Marketing Manager, Jared Norwood, Senior Strategic Marketing Manager, Christopher Alstock, and Data Scientist, Alexis Simontacci – as they share the stats behind the sales, why they matter, and how you can use them to score more sales.

Watch and listen to this webinar to learn:

  • Easy ways to automate your listening ability and analyze all interactions
  • How to improve operational performance and gather key BI around customer sentiment
  • The best ways to gain efficiencies, lift conversion rates, and improve revenue



Jeff Farr

GVP, Growth Services

Jared Norwood

Strategic Marketing Manager

Christopher Altstock

Senior Strategic Marketing Manager

Alexis Simontacchi

Data Scientist

Don't know where to start? We do. Talk with one of our CX experts.

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