
Blog: CX Strategy & Digital Consulting

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Three Ways to Use Customer Data to Drive Marketing Relevance

Using customer data to deliver the right message to the right customer, at the right time, through the right channel is not the future of marketing, it’s today’s reality. Businesses...

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Social Customer Care: What Customers Expect

Everyone is talking about serving customers through social media networks, but adding new service channels and managing cross-channel communications can be challenging for companies in any industry...

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Five Steps for Understanding Your Revenue State

Many businesses make the mistake of fearing their sales organizations. The general perception of the sales team is as elusive hunters who possess the uniquely savage skills required to go into the...

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Applying the Freemium Business Model in Telecommunications

Would you be willing to try a service that usually costs $100 per month for free for two years?Once the domain of Internet and mobile companies, so-called "freemium" business models are...

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Social Customer Service: 14 Big Brands Tested and Exposed

Social media is exploding as a customer service channel, but companies are struggling to catch up with the demands of today’s socially savvy consumers. Who is winning in the game of social...

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Vacations and Customer-Centric Solutions: Is the All-Inclusive Deal Worth It?

Winter has been unusually warm this year, and with this Spring-like weather my family is already itching to plan our summer vacation. The big debate: whether to book one of those all-inclusive...

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Rally the Frontline for Net Promoter ® Success

Improving customer loyalty is a key objective for many organizations, and many have established Customer Experience Management (CEM) programs like Net Promoter to inject customer feedback into...

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A Parallelogram: The Flu and Bad Customer Experiences

On January 11, 2013 the CDC announced that influenza has officially reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., with 7.3 percent of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu. But the American...

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Tuning In to Customer Experience Technology

Customers share a great deal about themselves through their multichannel interactions. Between social media posts, recorded contact center exchanges, email, text, and other types of communications,...

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The Direct Relationship between Stock Price and Customer Experience

  Customer sentiment and the customer experience directly affect stock price. Just look at this infographic from Derwent Capital Markets (DCM Capital), who used a social media sentiment...

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