
Blog: Digital Transformation

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Examining the DNA of Transformational Leaders

While spotting a unique business opportunity is difficult enough, the ability to successfully carry out this idea is what separates the great leaders from the dreamers. Transformational...

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Don’t Equate Silence with Satisfaction

As a small or medium sized business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of complacency. While the big guys are hustling to get to the next best thing for customer care, smaller companies move at...

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Artificial Intelligence 101: Separating Hype from Reality

A lot of digital ink has been spilled about artificial intelligence (A.I.)’s potential impact on people and businesses. But let’s face it: much of the discussions about A.I....

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Why Companies Need Content Moderation

Brand perception heavily influences consumer decisions. Customers form opinions about brands when they read a news story or online review, hear about a friend’s experience, or visit the brand...

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Modern Day Hansels and Gretels and the Quest for Superior Customer Experiences

Companies have poured millions of dollars into developing mobile apps to create memorable customer experiences that engage and retain customers. Is it working? The answer is, it depends.Today,...

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Smart Devices Need Smart Customer Strategies

Mobility and digitization have fundamentally changed how customers connect with brands. There are more than 2 billion active smart devices in the market today. And the average user reaches for his...

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Don’t Automate Your Way Into Obscurity

The automotive industry isn’t about products anymore. It’s about relationships. Vehicles are becoming more and more alike, and even impressive technology is being co-opted and...

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Where Do Humans Fit in an Increasingly Digital World?

Customer experience is changing at lightning speed. It’s hard to keep up with what’s happening today, let alone step back and think about how to prepare for the future. So we did it for...

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Taking Closed-loop Apps to the Next Level

It’s well known that consumers regularly use only a handful of mobile apps. The battle for user attention is fierce. App developers have an opportunity to outperform competitors by &ldquo...

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When Manual Decisions Become a Novelty

Imagine a future where consumers no longer compare and select products, because companies already know exactly what each person wants and automatically deliver the right product.  This may...

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