
Blog: Digital Transformation

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Technology Implementations Require More Than Wires and Code

Many companies have the best of intentions about delivering differentiated, valuable customer experiences. Yet in many cases, their technology does not evolve as quickly as the rest of the business...

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Mobile World Congress (MWC) Wrap-Up: OTT vs. Telecommunications Carriers – 2:0

Recently, Barcelona played host to the annual Mobile World Congress, where telecom carriers, consumer electronics makers, digital players, and others came together to promote new ideas, gadgets,...

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Equipping Your In-Store Workforce with Mobile for a Next-Generation Customer Experience

Today’s better connected workforces have added mobile devices to their tool kits. Deploying mobile devices within organizations allows for faster communication across the organization,...

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Benchmarking Drives Operational Improvements to the Contact Center

Most people in the business community are familiar with the adage “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” But, you also can’t make improvements to customer-facing...

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Revolutionizing Lead Generation Through Digital Media

This article was originally published in the Winter 2013 issue of Customer Strategist.Preparing for the future is no easy task. But savvy business leaders understand that rather than being an...

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Technology Meets Customer Experience at Dreamforce

Last week, I attended the salesforce.com® user conference Dreamforce. The show has become bigger than just a user conference – it’s become a destination for sales, service, and...

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Delivering a Psychic Brand

This article was originally published in the Fall 2013 issue of Customer Strategist.Technology continues to progress from the age of responsive platforms to predictive analytics. Companies are now...

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Helping a Technology Company Increase Revenue by $174 million

Nurturing both current and prospective customers is imperative for the continued growth of organizations. This was a priority for an international technology manufacturing and consulting company...

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Social Media Company Uses Data to Accelerate Sales

The international social media company discussed in this post is one of our clients.Social media is becoming more and more popular. But, with popularity comes competition, so the leaders in the...

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The Untapped Potential of Unstructured Data

There’s nothing new about using data to make decisions. But, what is new is the potential that new data sources hold in providing real actionable insight. Unstructured data such as social...

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