
Blog: Digital Transformation

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3 Tools that Optimize Interactions in Amazon Connect’s Cloud Contact Center

It’s been said time and time again: a great customer experience begins with a positive employee experience. When contact center agents are well-equipped, knowledgeable, and prepared to handle...

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CX Leaders Share Insights into Transforming the Government Customer Experience

At a time when more people than ever are demanding an excellent customer experience (CX) from the private sector, federal agencies are increasingly focused on improving the government customer...

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How to Deliver a Customer-Friendly Vaccination Experience with Messaging

Everyone over age 16 in the United States as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia is now eligible for a coronavirus vaccine. Yet for many, the vaccination experience journey is still...

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Study: A Rise in Branchless Banking Exposed CX Weaknesses

Direct or branchless banking should have flourished in an environment where the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated a shift to digital channels, but it’s more complicated than that, according to J...

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Elevate the Member Experience While Saving Millions—Yes It Can Be Done

Healthcare contact center agents are at the frontline of the member and patient experience by providing crucial support and information. Lack of systems integration, outdated software, inflexible...

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3 Ways Contact Centers Can Deliver on Digital Expectations

The pandemic accelerated digital adoption of messaging, web, and cloud at light speed, and in doing so contact centers have been at the front-line of large volumes of people in need for support,...

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How to Bridge the COVID-19 Vaccine Gap with Digital Solutions + Human Expertise

Getting the COVID-19 vaccines to constituents in an organized and efficient manner is essential to a successful vaccine rollout and ending the pandemic. Yet, in most areas of the United States,...

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Top 4 Artificial Intelligence Trends

Customers are expecting easier, better, and faster CX in 2022. And customer service organizations need to meet these needs head on.  The most successful brands will blend Artificial...

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NRF 2021: Trends that Retailers Bet will Outlast the Pandemic

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, retailers are ready to embark on a new path forward. However, it’s impossible to look ahead without acknowledging the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has...

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In a Crowded Healthcare Industry, Stand Out with Stellar Patient Experience

Not that long ago, people had limited options when seeking healthcare: they went to their primary care doctor or, for more emergent needs, the local hospital. But these days, patients have a...

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