
Blog: Sales and Revenue Growth

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How to Build a Data-Driven Sales Strategy

Consumers, employees, and companies are more connected than ever, generating tremendous amounts of data that provide clues to their needs and preferences. For salespeople, understanding the impact...

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When Starting from Scratch Isn’t an Option: Five Tips for Transitioning Customer Service Chat to Sales Chat

When researching products, customers use a wide range of digital touchpoints before making a purchase. Throughout their buying journeys, customers often have questions about a product or service...

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Bringing the Amazon Experience to the Financial Ecosystem

Companies everywhere hold up Amazon as the pinnacle of digital strategy. This is largely due to Amazon’s recognition of its customers’ evolving behaviors and its success in meeting...

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An Eye on Healthcare’s Loyalty Future

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 26 million more people will be insured by 2017 under the Affordable Care Act. As millions of new consumers shop for health insurance, the pressure is...

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Ten Best Practices for Digital Marketing Nirvana

Your customers are using an assortment of digital channels, including the web, mobile, and social, to learn about products, services, and brands. But is your marketing team taking the steps...

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Cold Calls Dwindle as Insurance Agents Warm Up to Digital Marketing

Many personal and commercial banking professionals operate under the ‘spend money to make money’ mantra. Insurance agents are no different. Because these independent contractors invest...

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Four Ways to Prepare for Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Changes

Tomorrow, Google will unveil a new algorithm update that includes using mobile friendliness as a major ranking factor in mobile search results.As a starting point, it’s important to note that...

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The Payer’s New Roadmap to Acquiring Members

The healthcare industry is undergoing a massive change as millions of consumers explore different options for insurance coverage, some for the first time. Approximately 44 million more people are...

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Three “IT” Questions for Managing the Multiscreen Customer Experience

Multiscreen viewing habits are on a steady incline. More and more consumers bounce from screen to screen throughout their days, engaging with brands across numerous platforms. Faced with this...

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Five Ways to Get the Most from Your Sales Chat Efforts

The world has adopted a new buying paradigm: Customers research products across myriad sites and devices before making a buying decision. In response, organizations must be present and proactively...

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