
Blog: Back Office Support

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10 Buckets to Dig Your Way Out of Subpar Customer Experiences

For many customer experience leaders, trying to keep up with the processes, journey maps, and data points that make up today’s customer experience can feel like being on a boat that’s...

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The Role of Emotions in Customer and Employee Experience

In a world where many products and services are now seen as commodities able to be purchased anywhere, from anyone, and only when needed, many organizations are struggling to find and retain...

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Forget the Robot Apocalypse: Let’s Talk About a New Collaborative Workforce

Let’s face it: Warning people that robots are stealing their jobs grabs far more attention than the truth. While it’s true that some jobs are better suited for automation, the reality...

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4 Ways to Prepare for Call Spikes and Call Surges

Life is complicated and rarely goes as planned. For customer-facing companies, sudden emergencies like natural disasters or data breaches can trigger waves of consumers looking for help and answers...

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Fraud Protection Steps Out of the Shadows

The internet has always had its share of bad guys. And now that nearly all companies are moving to a more digitally enabled world, thieves, con artists, and hackers are finding new ways to steal...

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Turn the GDPR into a Carrot—Not a Stick

In a few months, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, overhauling how organizations around the globe handle personal information. When this happens, businesses...

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Happy (Re)new year!

2018 is a year of renewal vs resolutions for winning companies. It is a year with massive disruption (Blockchain, Voice Automation, Omnichannel service design) that, like other digital...

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The New Marketing ROI in 4 Easy Steps

What is the value of a marketing campaign, or a marketer for that matter? The answers to these questions are often murky at best. To prove ROI, marketers must defend their place in the value...

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Using Scripts to Get the Right Take on Your Customer Experience

There’s a constant effort to provide customers with the “best” experience. But what is the best experience? Even with a journey map in hand, there’s an inevitable push and...

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3 Essential Open Enrollment Tips for the Off-Season

It’s that wonderful time of year when healthcare insurers can take a breath and plan for their next open enrollment period. But don’t relax for too long. With the combination of...

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