
Blog: Back Office Support

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Five Ways to Prepare Today for Tomorrow's Customer

Tomorrow’s customers will be very different than yesterday’s customer. They will be connected, skeptical, and quick to move on if they are not satisfied with an experience. They...

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Four Ways to Handle Recalls More Effectively

The recent airbag recall of more than 30 million vehicles by Takata has drivers concerned about whether their cars are safe, and confused about what to do next. It also has automakers concerned...

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On the Path to Creative Disruption

Innovation is a key component to any organization’s growth; however, failure is intrinsic. According to Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, the root problem with many companies...

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Apprentice, Professional, Mentor, Visionary: Are These Four Classic Career Stages Still Relevant Today?

I’ve been at rogenSi, a part of TTEC’s Consulting division, for over a decade, but I still recall my first day at work in a new role in other organizations I joined over the course of...

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Four Tips to Engage and Empower Your Workforce

An engaged workforce is a fundamental business driver for an organization’s success. And forward-thinking business leaders are striving to gain and retain high levels of employee engagement...

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Three Ways to Better Understand What Customers Want

In TTEC’s new e-book, The Technology of Us, author and blogger Doc Searls, said that we’re entering a new era where individuals dictate what, where, and how they’ll buy. In this...

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Eleven Steps to Prevent Your Organization from ‘Breaking Bad’

One of the questions that fans of the hit television series “Breaking Bad” puzzled over was why Walter White continued to make crystal meth after making millions of dollars and running...

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Five Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Financial Services

Maintaining healthy employee relations is a pre-requisite for organizational success. But a 2013 Robert Half survey found that nearly 89 percent of financial services executives surveyed globally...

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Four Reasons to Get Comfortable with Financial’s At-Home Associate Service Strategy

Over the years, regulatory reform has led banks to become increasingly transparent, allowing these institutions to meet higher standards of service. But, as the demand for individualized support...

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Five Contact Center Imperatives in a Global, Omnichannel Environment

In this age of globalization where companies are expanding to new markets across the world, business leaders must also consider the convergence toward a global contact center model.Businesses that...

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