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How to Wow Customers in 2017 and Beyond

Learn what it takes to create wow-worthy customer experiences, across every channel, every time.

DENVER, Dec. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Memorable. Unique. Surprising. Positive. In our recent survey, those were just some of the words customers used to describe their best customer experiences.

The truth is, every company in every industry has the potential to invoke these types of responses from their customers. But, results from our survey show that only nine percent of customers often have stand-out, wow-worthy customer experiences. And when they do occur, it's usually only in response to an issue that occurred.  

This month, TeleTech's eNewsletter, Dialogue takes a close look at the steps brands can take to create a future environment where wow moments happen proactively, across every interaction channel, every time.   

The December issue includes:

The Dialogue eNewsletter is published 12 times a year and has been designed to inspire customer experience excellence. Each issue contains the best customer-centric thought leadership and in-depth research articles. Click here to subscribe.

ABOUT TeleTech
TeleTech (NASDAQ:TeleTech) is a leading global provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions. Founded in 1982, the Company helps its clients acquire, retain and grow profitable customer relationships. Using customer-centric strategy, technology, processes and operations, TeleTech partners with business leadership across marketing, sales and customer care to design and deliver a simple, more human customer experience across every interaction channel. Servicing over 80 countries, TeleTech's 41,500 employees live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TeleTech is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit