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TeleTech Announces April 2017 Edition of Dialogue eNewsletter Featuring Perspectives on Transformational Leadership

Learn why the most successful leaders focus on customer engagement and employee empowerment

DENVER, April 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- TeleTech Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TeleTech), a leading global provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions, today announced the release of its April edition of the Dialogue eNewsletter featuring stories of transformational leadership. The news is filled with stories of business leaders who create break-through products and services. But, the most successful leaders go even further; they make headlines for the stand-out experiences they're creating for their customers and employees.

"Everyone -- employees, customers, stakeholders -- seeks experiences that deliver on the promises made by a brand," explained Kyle Priest, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer, TeleTech. "Executive leaders that can inspire these exceptional experiences, and captivate the minds and hearts of those around them, will propel their brands to the next level."

Take Elon Musk, Co-founder and CEO of Tesla, as an example. Last year, just five days after unveiling his highly-anticipated Tesla Model 3, he received over 275,000 vehicle pre-orders. That's an impressive number, especially considering the car had yet to be built. But for most, that didn't matter. His brand reputation, savvy marketing, and social conscious already had customers sold.

Next, think about John Legere, CEO and President of T-Mobile U.S. Ever since joining the company, he has made a point to visit each of his contact centers. During the visits, he posts selfies of himself with his associates, and thanks them for their hard-work and commitment to the brand. Not only does that promote a positive company culture and image, but it inspires employees and customers alike.

This month, TeleTech's eNewsletter, Dialogue celebrates Elon Musk, John Legere, and 10 other transformational business leaders who are making similar strides in their industries. It highlights their successes, and provides a deep-dive into the four common leadership areas in which they excel. 

The issue includes:

The Dialogue eNewsletter is published 12 times a year and has been designed to inspire customer experience excellence. Each issue contains the best customer-centric thought leadership and in-depth research articles. Click here to subscribe.

ABOUT TeleTech

TeleTech (NASDAQ: TeleTech) is a leading global provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions. Founded in 1982, the Company helps its clients acquire, retain and grow profitable customer relationships. Using customer-centric strategy, technology, processes and operations, TeleTech partners with business leadership across marketing, sales and customer care to design and deliver a simple, more human customer experience across every interaction channel. TeleTech's 48,000 employees live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TeleTech is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit