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White Paper

7 Steps to Integrate B2B Sales and Marketing With Data

The sales landscape has shifted. Here’s how to adapt.

7 Steps to Integrate B2B Sales and Marketing With Data

The traditional buyer/seller dynamic is long gone. The question is, are B2B sellers ready to adapt? Today’s buyers are empowered with more information than ever before, and more decision-makers are often involved, which has changed the way companies look for solutions to their problems.

To succeed in this new landscape, sales professionals must understand how the buyer’s journey has changed and unlock the advantages that data analytics and statistical modeling can offer. B2B sales and marketing teams must also learn how to align their efforts to present a truly coordinated experience.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • How to harness data to understand the buyer’s goals
  • How to align sales with the customer journey through insight
  • Where friction points occur in the sales and buying process
  • How to use data analytics to grow engagement and revenue

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White Paper