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Smart Seasonal drives $4.5M projected cost savings

Using Smart Seasonal, an insurance firm reallocated a large pool of licensed skilled associates to other programs during non-peak seasons to retain workers and contain costs

Smart Seasonal drives $4.5M projected cost savings

Using Smart Seasonal, an insurance firm reallocated a large pool of licensed skilled associates to other programs during non-peak seasons to retain workers and contain costs

3.6M interactions
Flexible 4-16 weeks of
associate sharing with
healthcare during high season
Over 95% CSAT
exceeds client’s internal
contact center quality rating

The challenge

An insurance firm was seeking to deliver superior performance and results mirroring the retail banking experience. It was seeking new market longevity strategies to ensure a large pool of licensed skilled associates, while containing costs during non-peak seasons

Our solution

We leveraged our world-class licensing expertise, hiring and training associates with over 85% pass rates (industry average is 70%), yielding over $200,000 in savings.

The results

Our Smart Seasonal staffing solution drove $4.5 million in projected cost savings via seasonal associate reallocations. It also provided flexible 4-16 weeks of associate sharing with healthcare during high season and over 95% CSAT (exceeds client’s internal contact center quality rating).