July 17, 2019 Case Study Communications Mobile operator blends online and offline to boost sales across channels The firm increased inbound call conversion rates, online chat volume, and sales appointments
April 23, 2019 Strategy Guide 5 Proven B2B Sales Strategies Ignite your sales engine in a new reality.
March 6, 2019 Case Study Automotive Human touch + data-driven insights = SMB growth Car rental cracks the SMB market by balancing a supportive human touch with advanced data analytics to grow revenue and create trusted relationships
October 19, 2018 Customer Strategist Strengthen Service Experiences With Sales Innovation Provide valuable sales opportunities with the use of AI and other digital tools.
October 10, 2018 Case Study Communications Mobile phone operator sends a clear CX message A 10-year strategic partnership with a global communications company developed groundbreaking messaging solutions for the customer experience